
The only way to eat Crabs *

*With your hands..

Sometimes, when we eat, we eat for the energy and the nutrition, other times we eat, because we have a hunger of the soul, of imagination and of memory. Food is a great carrier of memory, imagination, a binder of relations, a cure for the broken heart, and strength for the body and the soul, a ritual and tradition.

In our home, we eat crabs maybe only just twice a year, but when we do, its feels like a festival, and you look forward to it every year, just like you do your birthday.

The best way to eat crabs is whole, cooked in richly spiced curry, just the way Ma makes it, the only real way to enjoy it, is with your hands, and fingers, with messy plates and messy shirts. It’s like a celebration, there are no side dishes, just plain steamed rice, and your giant humongous vessel of  big traditional Goan crabs, and a table full of your family. And After you’re done, you feel like you’ve just spent in the afternoon in the Goa,with its coconut trees, and the hot summer, just before the monsoon season, and you realize that even if you are far away from Home, Home has never really left you, and you can’t help but be thankful, and happy.

Here’s to life and a vessel full of crabs.



My Jar of Good Stuff : Day 14 Eating is a celebration ask Jamie Oliver

Have you ever tried cooking with someone together in the kitchen before… yeah me neither… sorry thats not true, its not that I have not tried its just that I have never been successful at leaving the kitchen peacefully, there has always been a case of me being injured in action, sometimes physical injury but mostly it is emotional and mentally disturbance…

It is my opinion that the kitchen just suddenly becomes a war zone once two people decide to cook together… it may be that this may not be the case for you but honestly there hasn’t been an experience that can convince me otherwise.

Its all about the territory.

I mean no one dare tell Jamie Oliver not to taste the food by putting his finger into the pot, and not to just rip off leaves from the herbs he is holding, or to wash or to be in any way hygienic and I bet no one has tried telling David Roco that he can’t just set up any place and start cooking…. not that I am comparing myself to either of them… yeah I am….  also David Rocco there is no way someone can remain that fit by eating that much cheese and bread, what Is it that you are doing after the show that you aren’t telling us… 😐 .. No one dare tell them, because when they are that skilled with sharp objects you try your best not to get in their way.

But it seems interesting to me how territorial people get, its funny and very entertaining how they obsess about the small details, as you watch the drama that unfolds.

Food is not just food,  its more about the sharing of it and the company you enjoy it with, its about imagination and appreciation and love that goes into it.
Eating is one of the celebrations of life and we get to do it everyday…

Feb 10: Being able and being blessed with good food and great Company…and not having to share the kitchen with others 😉

– Here’s to the important celebrations of life


My Jar Of Good Stuff : Day 6 : Smiling in the Rain

Feb 2nd 2013 : Saturday

If any of you are here in the Emirates, you will know that its been a grey and gloomy day, its as though the sky and the clouds are crying, bringing with it a change of weather. But this optimistic and hopeful blogger believes when the weather gets dark and grey and gloomy, its time to go out to the street and eat that crazy fast food that you just shouldn’t, Bring it home and spend some time holding a hot cup of tea, warming your heart and your fingers and your soul, wearing warm and cosy socks, surrounded by your loved ones, with the windows wide open as the rain drops fall softly onto the world around you.
All of the above are just soo much to fit onto a sticky note…

So the best thing that happened to me today is( Drum Roll) : God Sent Some Rain to Remember What it is to feel Warm



Life is wonderful, it really really is……
-Here’s to those magical rainy days that brings you immense joy