
My Jar Of Good Stuff : Day 6 : Smiling in the Rain

Feb 2nd 2013 : Saturday

If any of you are here in the Emirates, you will know that its been a grey and gloomy day, its as though the sky and the clouds are crying, bringing with it a change of weather. But this optimistic and hopeful blogger believes when the weather gets dark and grey and gloomy, its time to go out to the street and eat that crazy fast food that you just shouldn’t, Bring it home and spend some time holding a hot cup of tea, warming your heart and your fingers and your soul, wearing warm and cosy socks, surrounded by your loved ones, with the windows wide open as the rain drops fall softly onto the world around you.
All of the above are just soo much to fit onto a sticky note…

So the best thing that happened to me today is( Drum Roll) : God Sent Some Rain to Remember What it is to feel Warm



Life is wonderful, it really really is……
-Here’s to those magical rainy days that brings you immense joy



Joy explained in the simplest of terms

1. Getting to sleep 5 minutes extra in the morning

2. Travelling seated early in the morning on the bus/train

3. Hot cup of coffee/Tea

4.Not having to wake up to an alarm on a weekend

5.The comic strips in the morning paper

6.Fully charged Phone

7. Getting everything right at work

8. Someone saying thank you for something you did

9. The perfect song that keeps your day going

10. Water Sprinklers that cast rainbows all across lawns and gardens as you walk past them

11. The gentle breeze

12. A stranger smiling at you for no reason other than he can and he is.

13. Dancing to the music inside your head

14. Someone wishing you good night

15.Getting side parking right  ( or any parking for that matter)

16. Someone unexpectedly remembering you

17.A happy memory that makes you smile everytime

18. Having extra change for chocolate

19. No one stopping you from eating chocolate

20. An open window

That’s it, it’s as simple as that.

Here’s to the small things that are the really important things, the stuff overwhelms you and makes you a little more joyful.